Mutants-Masterminds-Adventure-NothingToFear.GRR5516e_BasicHerosHandbook_CharacterSheet.pdf.GRR5506e_SupernaturalHandbook_Preview03.pdf.Transforming air into whatever you need overlaps with Create Object in many ways, although you dont get the option to move them after creation, so its much more limited. GRR5511e_FreedomCity_VisitorsGuide.pdf This type of sorcerer relies on the Transform (anything-to-anything) effect for all of his magic spells.GRR5505e-Threat-Report-PDF-Preview-Starbreed.pdf.Mutants-Masterminds-Adventure_Monster-Mash-Up.pdf.MutantsAndMasterminds_CrisisOnChristmas.pdf.MnM_GadgetGuides_Demo_TerminusProbot.pdf.GRR5506e_SupernaturalHandbook_Preview01.pdf.This file presents an index, automatically generated by our server, of all the free downloads available for fans of the third edition of the Mutants & Masterminds superhero RPG and the DC Adventures RPG, including printable character sheets. Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition and DC Adventures RPG: Free Downloads